“…For your heavenly Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.” Matthew 6:8
“For your heavenly Father knows you need all these things.” Matthew 6:32
After reading these verses I got to thinking about the things I truly need, what’s necessary, vital, longed for and pursued. I immediately saw a vast gulf between my needs and my wants. In reality all my needs are met in Christ Jesus: “… as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises…” (2 Peter 1:3-4).
If the truth be told, I often do not know what I need, or I want things that are not good for me. I have often invested time, money, and energy into things that faded and failed me in the long run. It was all smoke and mirrors, and served only to distract me and disillusion me from the things that were priceless and eternal. So it gives me great assurance to know that the Father knows what I need, even when I don’t.
He chooses for me those things that are best and right for who I am. If I will listen, if I will walk with Him, if I obey willingly, He brings to me beautiful surprises and gifts that I was so unaware of. I would have missed them, but He knew my needs before I did. He is both the Gift and the Giver.
I was on a path leading to destruction trying to meet my own needs. He waited for me until I exhausted my own strength and met me at my point of need. I thought I needed a certain type of husband in appearance and temperament. He had something entirely different in mind. My husband is a gift of God to me. He is not perfect, but he is perfect for me. God knew my needs.
I would have gone my own way, but He has surrounded me with friends and family who make me want to be more than I thought I could be. I thought I needed education, but He has been my Teacher. I looked for riches and comfort, but He has given me contentment and abiding peace. I thought I needed to act and sound like others, but He has assured me I can be just who I am and who He is making me to be. God knows my needs.
You don’t have to beg Him—He knows your needs. You don’t have to worry—He knows your needs. Allow Him to be both Protector and Provider.
“Father, thank You for watching over me through all the years. You have given me a life I could not have imagined. Your goodness and faithfulness sustain me. You meet my every need. Blessed is Your great Name. Amen.”
Thank you. I like that. A good confirmation!
Perfect message to remind me to be content thank you!! My needs are met!!